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March 2025

Safeguarding Homeless Adults

In March 2025, Section 3, Positive Practice was renamed Further Resources for Practice and additional resource links added.

Cuckooing (Forced Home Invasion)

In March 2025, Section 5, Related Chapters was updated to include a link to the chapter Controlling or Coercive Behaviour.

Stage 3: Safeguarding Response

In March 2025, relevant text amendments were made to Section 3, What is an Enquiry? These amendments were made to reflect those made following a legal review of the Care Act 2014 Resource Section, Adult Safeguarding.

Overarching Aims, Duties and Principles

In March 2025, relevant text amendments were made following a legal review of the Care Act 2014 Resource Section, Adult Safeguarding. In addition, a new Section, Information Sharing was added.

Modern Slavery

In March 2025, amendments were made to Section 1, What is Modern Slavery? to clarify that an adult who is moved a few streets away from where they originated can still be a victim of human trafficking if that move is not voluntary. Section 1.2, Organ trafficking/removal was also added. Additionally, some examples of injuries or impairments typical of certain jobs were added to Section 2, Identifying Potential Victims of Modern Slavery.

Transitional Safeguarding

In March 2025, Section 1, Safeguarding and Transition, was updated to include information about Working Together to Safeguard Children.

Safeguarding Asylum Seekers

In March 2025, this new chapter was added to the Safeguarding Adults Practice Guidance section.

Domestic Abuse (including MARAC)

In March 2025, Section 1, What is Domestic Abuse? was amended to include a revised definition of controlling or coercive behaviour, and to link to a new chapter in the manual of that name. Section 3, Specialist Domestic Abuse Services and Support was updated to include information about the Domestic Violence Disclosure Scheme (Clare’s Law) and more detail about the type of support that may be available from local domestic abuse services. Additionally, Section 5, Guidance and Resources was added.

Placing the Adult at Risk at the Centre of Safeguarding

In March 2025, a reminder about the importance of ensuring that the safeguarding response has regard for protected characteristics was added to Section 5, Maximising Involvement, Choice and Control.

Stage 2: Responding to a Concern/Information Gathering

In March 2025, relevant text amendments were made following a legal review of the Care Act 2014 Resource Section, Adult Safeguarding.


In March 2025, the chapter Self-Neglect and Hoarding was replaced by two new chapters ‘Self-Neglect’ and ‘Hoarding’

Controlling and Coercive Behaviour

In March 2025, this new chapter was added to the Safeguarding Adults Practice Guidance section.

Forced Marriage

In March 2025, a link to the chapter 'Controlling or Coercive Behaviour' was added to the related chapters section.

Stage 1: Reporting a Concern

In March 2025, relevant text amendments were made to Section 6, Reporting a Concern. These amendments were made to reflect those made following a legal review of the Care Act 2014 Resource Section, Adult Safeguarding.

Process Maps, Flow Charts and Case Studies

This chapter was updated in March 2025.


In March 2025, the chapter Self-Neglect and Hoarding was replaced by two new chapters ‘Self-Neglect’ and ‘Hoarding’

Mate Crime

In March 2025, a link was added to the chapter 'Controlling and Coercive Behaviour' in Section 1, What is Mate Crime?

Radicalisation and Violent Extremism

In March 2025, neurodiversity was added to the list of vulnerabilities in Section 2, Vulnerabilities and Indicators.

Honour Based Abuse

In March 2025, minor amendments were made and a link to the chapter 'Controlling or Coercive Behaviour' was added to the related chapters section.

February 2025

Stage 4: Outcome and Closure (including Plan and Review)

In March 2025, relevant text amendments were made to Section 3, Exiting Safeguarding. These amendments were made to reflect those made following a legal review of the Care Act 2014 Resource Section, Adult Safeguarding. Additionally, a reminder about the importance of ensuring that the safeguarding response has regard for protected characteristics was added.                                                                                                           


September 2024

Overarching Aims, Duties and Principles

In September 2024, information about protected characteristics and anti-discriminatory approaches was added to Section 5, Making Safeguarding Personal.

Stage 1: Reporting a Concern

In September 2024, relevant sections of this chapter were updated to include information about concerns relating solely to pressure ulcers. Also, in Section 6, If the Adult has Died, information was added about the requirement that local authorities should notify Ofsted of the death of any care leaver under the age of 25, where it is aware of their care leaver status.

Stage 3: Safeguarding Response

In September 2024, ensuring that the safeguarding response has regard for protected characteristics was added to the key points to remember.

Radicalisation and Violent Extremism

In September 2024, this chapter was replaced with a revised and updated version.

Honour Based Abuse

In September 2024, the chapter Honour Based Violence and Forced Marriage was replaced by two new chapters, Honour Based Abuse and Forced Marriage.

Safeguarding Adult Reviews (SAR)

In September 2024, information about protected characteristics and discriminatory abuse was added to Section 5, Carrying out a SAR.

Domestic Abuse (including MARAC)

In September 2024, information about Stalking Protection Orders was added to Section 3, Specialist Domestic Abuse Services and Support. Information about the timeframe for introduction of Domestic Abuse Protection Orders and Domestic Abuse Protection Notices was also updated. In Section 4, MARAC, the text ‘she is’ was altered to ‘they are’ to ensure that no gender assumptions are made.

LeDeR Reviews

In September 2024, a link to the LeDeR online referral was added.

Forced Marriage

In September 2024, the chapter Honour Based Violence and Forced Marriage was replaced by two new chapters, Honour Based Abuse and Forced Marriage.

Modern Slavery

In September 2024, this replacement chapter was added to the Safeguarding Adults Practice Guidance section.

Safeguarding in Prisons and Approved Premises

In September 2024, this chapter was replaced with a revised and updated version.

Placing the Adult at Risk at the Centre of Safeguarding

In September 2024, the subsection ‘Who cannot act as an appropriate adult’ was changed to ‘Who can act as an appropriate adult’, and the information was amended to better reflect the content already present in the tri.x Care Act 2014 Resource. Information about protected characteristics and anti-discriminatory approaches was also added to Section 1, Introduction.

Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)

In September 2024, this chapter was reviewed and refreshed. This included adding information about training and links to statutory guidance and other resources.

Stage 2: Responding to a Concern/Information Gathering

In September 2024, information about concerns relating solely to pressure ulcers was added to Section 6, Other Matters for Consideration. In Section 9, If the Adult has Died, information was added about the requirement that local authorities should notify Ofsted of the death of any care leaver under the age of 25, where it is aware of their care leaver status. Also, in Section 7, Making a Decision about the Safeguarding Response information was added about the importance of ensuring that the safeguarding response has regard for protected characteristics.

Allegations against Service Providers (including Organisational Abuse)

In September 2024, Section 6. Concerns about Pressure Ulcers and Section 7, Concerns about the use of Restraint in Mental Health Units were added.

March 2024

Offensive Weapons Homicide Reviews

In March 2024, this new chapter was added to Section 3, Learning and Improvement.

Domestic Abuse (including MARAC)

In March 2024, a new subsection has been created in Section 1, What is Domestic Abuse? named ‘Definition of controlling and coercive behaviour’. Previously this information was included within the wider definition of domestic abuse. Text amends have also been made to Section 2, Domestic Abuse and Safeguarding to add clarity around domestic abuse and children, and information about IDVA’s/ISVA’s has been added to Section 3, Specialist Domestic Abuse Services and Support. 

Cuckooing (Forced Home Invasion)

In March 2024, this new chapter was added to the Safeguarding Adults Practice Guidance section.

Mate Crime

In March 2024, this chapter was renamed ‘Mate Crime’. It has been fully reviewed and refreshed. Information about cuckooing (also known as forced home invasion) has been relocated to a new chapter.

Safeguarding Adult Reviews (SAR)

In March 2024, a new section was added ‘ Safeguarding Adult Reviews in Rapid Time (SARiRT)’.

County Lines

In March 2024, this chapter was fully reviewed and refreshed in line with updated Home Office guidance ‘Criminal exploitation of children and vulnerable adults: county lines’.

Allegations against Service Providers (including Organisational Abuse)

In March 2024, Section 6, Making Enquiries has been updated to provide greater clarity about the responsibility of making enquiries.


December 2023

Fabricated or Induced Illness in Adults

In December 2023, this new chapter was added to the Safeguarding Adults Practice Guidance section.

September 2023

Professional Curiosity

In September 2023 Section 5, Be Self Aware in Your Practice has been updated to include proportionality.

Transitional Safeguarding

In September 2023, in Section 5, Further Information and Resources, a link was added to the Local Government Association (LGA) Transitional safeguarding resources webpage.

Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)

In September 2023 Section 3, FGM and the Law, was updated to include information about the duties and measures of the Serious Crime Act 2015. Section 6 was also added, signposting users to local guidance in the Contacts and Practice Resources area.

Domestic Abuse (including MARAC)

In September 2023, Section 1.1, Definition of Domestic Abuse was revised and Section 3, Specialist Domestic Abuse Services and Support and Section 4, MARAC were also updated.

Honour Based Abuse

In September 2023 Section 4, Statutory Guidance and Practice Guidelines has been renamed. The content has been refreshed to include information about the multi-agency statutory guidance for dealing with forced marriage and practice guidelines for responding to cases that was issued in July 2022. A new Section 5, Additional Information and Resources has also been added that provides a link to additional resources and information.

Violent and Sexual Abuse

In September 2023, the abbreviation (MAPPA) was removed from the main title and a new Section 1, Serious Violence Duty was added to provide information about the Serious Violence Duty under the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Act 2022.

Modern Slavery

In September 2023 a new section was added to include the Local Government Association Guidance ‘Council guide to tackling modern slavery’.

Safeguarding Adults with Dementia

In September 2023 Section 1, Adults with Dementia was refreshed to add further information about mental capacity, and a new section ‘Further Guidance’ was added to include a link to the government guidance ‘Supporting people living with dementia to be involved in adult safeguarding enquiries’.